Civic and Social Responsibility Northwest Missouri State

Health and Wellness Guide for Freshman College Students

College is one of the most challenging times for a teen or adult in their life. It is usually known as the phase of life where you study hard but party harder. This is also a time when students forget about taking care of their bodies. With students wanting to do a lot of things in a short span of time, they’re paying less attention to what their bodies need, and this will only lead to a more stressful, less enjoyable college experience. For the first time, you’re constantly balancing school, sports, work, family obligations and social life with friends. You are finally living on your own and responsible for yourself and can now take charge of your life. You notice that college classes are much more difficult compared to high school classes, which lead to late night studies, adding more stress on your plate. It is very easy for college students to get overwhelmed and pick up unhealthy habits Establishing a health and wellness guide early to live by will help you tremendously through graduation and even afterwards. Nutrition, physical fitness, mental strength, stress relief and quality sleep are some important elements to focus on. Using a guide will offer a lifetime value of keeping your mind and body healthy.

  1. Stick To a Solid Sleep Schedule
Health and Wellness Guide for Busy College Students

Getting enough sleep every night is a good way to keep your stress levels down and feel energized for each day of class. Make a sleep habit that you can stick to, even during the weekends. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute says adults need at least 7 to 8 hours of continuous sleep per night. A good pillow, proper nutrition, and regular exercise help improve sleep, here are some tips:

A pillow that is too stiff or a mattress that is too soft may not seem like a big deal, but it can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule. Here are some signs:
1. You wake up with aches and pains.
2. You’ve had better sleep other places.
3. Your mattress is more than 7 years old.
4. Your bed is too small or squeaks when you move

  • A quiet, comfortable bed enables sound sleep. Considering how important sleep is to overall energy levels, investing in a mattress you love is a smart idea.

How to Say NO! 2 Leadership Techniques to be More Assertive

2. Learn To Say No and Eat Regular Meals

College life usually means easy access to tasty foods, from the candy in the vending machines to the doughnuts in the bakery across the street. Learning when to say no is a good skill that will help you keep the extra pounds off. Avoid eating when you’re not actually hungry, and stick to light snacks when you need a little treat. Try to avoid eating too much late at night as well; this can cause heartburn and weight gain.

When you’re racing from one class to another with twenty different deadlines ahead of you, it’s easy to forget to eat a meal now and then, but if you start missing meals regularly, your body and your brain won’t be fueled for the challenges of college. Adjust your schedule so that you have enough time in the morning to get breakfast without feeling panicked about missing class. Start taking your lunch with you, or find a healthy place you can buy a lunch. Keeping a handful of healthy snacks in your backpack, such as peanuts or dried fruit, can help you get some nutrition when you unexpectedly are late for a meal.

Multiple Sclerosis and Exercise: Why MS Patients Should Stay Active - Penn  Medicine

3. Find an exercise activity you love

Regular exercise is a great way to burn off some stress, boost your fitness levels and lose some weight, but there’s little point in picking an exercise that you hate. Not everyone loves running, and some people dislike the weight room. But that doesn’t mean you should completely neglect aerobic and anaerobic exercises. The key to creating a sustainable healthy habit is to choose something you enjoy. This can include:

  • Yoga with friends
  • Walking around campus
  • Joining a gym
  • Taking a sports class
  • Intramural sports
  • Clubs such as larping

There are also other ways to include some exercise in your day

Commute by walking or Biking

10 Reasons Every College Student Should Have a Bike | Raleigh Bikes |  Raleigh USA Bicycles

If you live close enough to school or work, ride your bike or walk. As you navigate your daily schedule, walk if you can. Exercise has mood-boosting benefits like the release of endorphins, which is a great way to begin your day.

The Right Way To Take A Study Break | QWERTY Education Services

Make study breaks exercise breaks

Taking breaks as you’re studying or doing school work actually helps you be more productive. A study by the Draugiem Group found the most productive people focus on their task for 52 minutes, then take a break for about 17 minutes. Use this type of guideline whenever you’re working on a project.

4. Stress Management

Stress Management - Integrate Sustainability

Chronic stress can lead to a whole host of negative effects, including illness, headaches, insomnia, and decreased productivity. Over the long term, stress can contribute to a number of health problems, including:

  • Obesity
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes

Stress is normal, but living with it constantly should not be. Here’s how to help combat it:

Pay Attention Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Pay attention to the warning signs

Stress may start in your head, but it quickly spills into your body. Just a few of the physical warning signs that you are stressed include:

  • Headache
  • Upset stomach
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Loss of appetite or craving for certain foods
  • Mood swings

As you learn to be aware of what it feels like to be stressed, it will be easier for you to resolve in the future.

Stress Relieving | Mechanical Engineering

Practice stress-relieving techniques

Trying to power through stuff while in a state of stress will make you less productive. Not dealing with your stress will require more time to finish what you’re doing, and the results are more likely to have errors or not as high quality. Even taking a 5-minute break to alleviate stress is wise. This infographic from Purdue University Global has some great tips for dealing with stress, including:

  • Take a quick, brisk walk.
  • Do deep breathing exercises or close your eyes and meditate.
  • Talk with a friend.
  • Do an activity you enjoy.

Taking any of these actions gives your brain a break from whatever is stressing you out and recharges you. You can go back to what you were doing in a more relaxed state of mind

Talk it out

talk it out - Cheerup Counselling and Psychology Services

Expressing feelings of stress is an effective way to release them. Conversing with friends and family can be beneficial, but talking with a therapist can also help in the following ways:

  • You get to talk with an unbiased party.
  • A therapist has professional, research-based coping skills to recommend.
  • Therapy involves monitoring the progress for constant improvement.

5. No Procrastinating!!!

10 Strategies to Help You Stop Procrastinating - Healthcare IT Leaders

College students face tons of essays, coursework and science papers during their years of study. This is where procrastination finds and catches you. A big project approaches you and almost every student decides to start in the middle of a year in order to meet the deadline. Then you invent another strategy, to start two months before the deadline. But two months turn into one, which turns into several weeks. So one sunny morning you come out of the choas with two days until the deadline without a word written.

How to avoid this Procrastination Monster? You’ll need to get rid of all the unrelated temptations that prevent you from completing tasks. But let’s face the truth: students are not so responsible. It is impossible to kill procrastinations, all of us are exposed to it. But you can manage your work for the sake of your career. Consider your calendar, mind the whole process and don’t let anything ruin your study goals.

Northwest Missouri State Pop Culture

Pros and Cons Of Greek Life

When people look at greek life on many campuses they see all the negative things we have heard about sororities and fraternities. They see the major news stories of hazing or the money people spend just to buy friends. What people don’t see from the outside is the lasting positive effects that greek life can have on campuses and people involved themselves. Greek life can have some cons, but the pros and good things that come out of it outweigh the cons every time. You will find some of the bad things about greek life are terrible and unforgivable. Not all greek life haze and bully their members. Before you judge based on blow up media, get to know the good things they do.

Greek Can Get A Bad Rap

A big thing people talk about that always gets brought up when talking about greek life is hazing. This past year at Bowling Green State University during their “Big Brother Night” ( This is a tradition in almost every Greek organization) all the new members had to finish a handle of hard liquor before the night was over as part of a informal initiation. After the night one of the members was hospitalized after being found unconscious in his apartment and later died from alcohol poisoning. This is a huge problem that shouldn’t be ignored. Many groups including greek life have to deal with the problem of hazing. But when people think greek they thing of articles like this and movies that depict this type of hazing. It still happens a lot of places. Hazing is one of the major things a lot of organizations around the country are trying to fight. Including Northwest Missouri State University. We have a lot of anti-hazing rules in place. If the slightest event of hazing gets reported that chapter will have to go under investigation. We have even kicked organizations off campus due to hazing not quite as serious as death. So yes hazing is a thing all greek life has to fight against, but it shouldn’t be the sole reason to base your opinions of the organizations on.

Not All Negative Comes From Greek

This infographic shows the data of grades in the Greek organizations at NWMSU.

A lot of the time greeks are stereotyped as “dumb” or “they only came to party and not care about school”. When most times that isn’t true. Greek organizations pride themselves on the grades of their members. If your gpa or grades drop there are ways to help and get your grades up like mandatory study sessions and study hours. There are also incentives for getting and maintaining good grades.

Other Positives

In the midst of the negative impacting the whole world, COVID-19. It’s s also been a major impact on Greek and their lives on campus. One thing kept constant is Community Service. The main goal of greek life is too give back. Organizations have main philanthropic parters that even through hard times have kept working to raise money and support even more now than ever.

Weighing out the Pros & Cons

After hazing events, like the Bowling Green one, greek moral is at a low. People lose faith in if greek life is actually right for them. Take it from college student themselves. Is Greek life worth it?

Northwest Greek Life

Think Again…

With seeing some major negatives compared with some positives, maybe take a deeper look next time you think about Greek Life. Bad things happen but that doesn’t mean we aren’t working to fix them everyday and bring our positives to the light.

Civic and Social Responsibility Environment Northwest Missouri State

Moving to Maryville

Overhead view of downtown Maryville and its courthouse located in the center of the city.

Maryville, Missouri, is a community deeply connected to its roots and to each other. The citizens are familiar with each other in a way few other cities are in the state. Using data from the city of Maryville’s website along with the 2010 census, the goal is to give those considering a move to Maryville some background on the community and the elements that make it special. Based on my time in Maryville, I’ve noticed the level of mutual agreement among natives on things like politics, education, and money.

Money has an impact on many areas of the community. This means it’s important for the community to understand what the financial fitness of the city is and how they can improve the health of their wallets. The college campus accounts for a great deal of the activity in Maryville, adding to the city’s selection of entertainment, news coverage, and jobs. One of the observations I made was the difference in the education level of citizens in comparison to their median income. My opinion is if more citizens took advantage of the convenience of a college in their hometown, their income would increase along with the number of life experiences they’ve had. If they don’t have an education or don’t wish to seek one, there are other tools on this website and in the city that citizens can utilize to secure their financial future.

The job market in Maryville, Missouri, often caters to the large college student population offering part-time retail or service work. There are however other opportunities for long-term careers for workers on a variety of education levels.

News and information for the city come from local television along with two leading newspapers. These publications highlight politics, local events and news, citizen features, economy, and sports.

Another key part of the city such as the housing market and K-12 education for families interested in the area. Maryville R-II school district is a well-established district with childcare options, Pre-Kindergarten classes, and assistance to get graduates into the career field of their choice or college.

Take a virtual tour of downtown Maryville!

Infographic detailing the demographics of the citizens of Maryville, Missouri.
Sources: The City of Maryville and

Making Money

Maryville Employee Center

The City of Maryville offers a variety of rewarding careers with great benefit packages to regular full-time employees. Benefits include medical, dental, vision, & life insurance, AFLAC, holiday pay, paid vacation/sick leave, retirement plan, deferred compensation plans, and flexible spending accounts. The employment center also offers events and in-person aid to build resumes and arrange interviews. This resource makes living in a smaller community a perk for additional one-on-one support.

Maryville Chamber of Commerce

Citizens can access a variety of calendars, businesses, and economic reports for the city. The Chamber of Commerce is located at 408 N Market Street and is open 8:30-5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Photo of The Maryville Chamber of Commerce
Maryville Chamber of Commerce
Kawasaki Dominates the Job Market in Maryville.

Everyone from college students to the oldest citizens can be a part of the Kawasaki Manufacturing Corporation. Whether you’re seeking a full-time career on the assembly line or a part-time job to pay your way through school, Kawasaki prides itself on having a diverse team with various goals and skills that can be improved upon and unutilized. Kawasaki often works directly with Northwest to prepare students for the professional world. Full-time employees have access to benefits and retirement as well.


The Daily Forum

Photo of the Daily Forum newspaper located at 111 E Jenkins Street in Maryville.
The Daily Forum is located at 111 E Jenkins Street.

The Daily Forum is both a print and digital publication centered on Maryville news, sports, and opinion columns.

The Northwest Missourian

From the campus of Northwest Missouri State University, this student-run newspaper reports on elections, local news, campus-life, and sports. The paper has its own opinion section and advertisements as well. This organization offers a wide array of coverage for the community and opportunities for media students. The publication has also won several College Media Association and Associated Collegiate Press Awards.

Earning an Education

The Maryville R-2 School Districts website explores what the district offers to K-12 students including curriculum, COVID-19 mitigation measures, and childcare. The last feature costs a flat rate of $75 per child for summertime care before and after summer school. This program is also offered during the school year. Other costs can be found on the site.

Tuition rates at Northwest Missouri State University for Missouri residents is currently $354.16 per credit hour. The acceptance rate is 73% based primarily on GPA and ACT score.

Buying a Home

The median home price in Maryville is currently $144,500. Home appreciation is up 3.5% in the last year. House prices range from less than $100,000 to $325,000. Many citizens attending Northwest Missouri State rent units.

This site takes an in-depth look at the housing market in Maryville, Missouri, while taking into sharing the city’s unemployment rate, climate, and the political patterns of citizens. This site seems extremely helpful and takes into account things many would overlook in a house hunt to a new, smaller community. You can filter searches by price range, location, and size.

The Northwest Missourian detailed a new gated-neighborhood coming to Maryville here.

Image of digital design of the homes to be built in new gated-neighborhood in Maryville.
The Estates of Maryville is a 24-home gated neighborhood planned to be built on the west-side of the city. The neighborhood will feature its own pool, clubhouse, indoor pickle ball court, and fitness center.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Visit for more resources.

Northwest Missouri State Sports

Bearcat Basketball 2020-2021! Get Ready!

You ever just hear a satisfying pair of words that when said together just roll off the tongue so well no matter who says them?

Well, that is exactly the case for Bearcat Basketball! Bearcat Basketball is the name of the organization that is our college basketball team here at Northwest Missouri State University. Our team is Arguably one of the best division 2 basketball teams in the country and has placed in many MIAA, and have had 3 consecutive NCAA appearances as of recently!

We would have had more appearances but due to Covid, the NCAA got canceled last season, however many good things were happening for Northwest that would prove they would’ve won the next title.

Northwest was ranked the number 1 seed in the NCAA for the 4th year straight. They were 31-1 in the 2019-2020 regular season with their only loss being to the University of Central Missouri. This team wasn’t even in the NCAA bracket for that season! Making our chances of winning that much higher!

Not to mention that we had two top op 25 watch list for the 2020 Bevo Francis Award.

This list consists of some of the top players from NCAA Division II, NCAA Division III, NAIA Division I, NAIA Division II, USCAA, and NCCAA. Both Trevor Hudgins and Ryan Hawkins were apart of this list and right next to each other.

Both of these players are exciting to watch, with last season they were both averaging almost 20 points per game!

To give you a better understanding of the team, you should know that they are not just known for their offensive game. Coach Ben McCollum has been known for preaching about how defense wins championships and has emphasized good team and individual defense. These players know how to defend and score including Ryan Hawkins who not only is a great scorer but also a great individual defender making him one of the best 2-way players in the conference. Trevor has all the talent to be a great defender as well with his quick speed and hands he can make other teams point guards troubled with his abilities.

This next season is bound to be something spectacular with both of our star players entering their primes along with an uprising Diego, new teammates, new plays, and the same amazing Bearcat plays this 2020-2021 Season!

Northwest Missouri State

Northwest Missouri State Football 2019


The Bearcat football program has been a wining one ever since 1997 where they went 11-0 in the regular season. Coming off a great 10-3 season that ended in disappointing fashion and left a sour taste in the program’s mouth, the Northwest Bearcat football program looked toward the 2019 season as a fresh start. With a new season upon them, the bearcats looked to make a push to the NCAA championship for the Division II title. The season was promising leading up to the playoffs with only one fumbled 17-24 loss to Nebraska-Kearny. Unfortunately for the bearcats, the same demons that haunted them in 2018 plagued them again in the 2019 playoffs once again bringing their season to a swift 3-25 end to the Ferris State Bulldogs. For the Bearcats their season may not have ended with a title but it did have lots of highlights with dominance on both sides of the ball throughout their 2019 campaign. Big wins against conference rivals, Missouri Western Griffins and Central Missouri Mules, helped push them back into the playoffs for yet another consecutive year dating back to 2006. The 2019 season meant the end for many seniors on the team but they didn’t graduate without putting up some crazy stats against opponents.

Stats showing the different statistical achievements for the 2019 season.


The hype leading into the season was very felt by the team and the community around them that was hoping for another NCAA title. It may not have been meant to be but the powerhouse of a roster showed much promise for the future. The 2019 and 2018 season offered plenty of highlights to help hype up for the future as well.

2020 Season

The 2020 season is an unprecedented and unexpected one. Unforeseen events put a wrench in the plan for the season and all the hype for it. Many different media outlets also bought into the hype claiming the Bearcats were ranked 5th and 9th in D-II college football. The links to said articles can be found below.

Northwest Missouri State

Inside look at Northwest Women’s Basketball


Coach Meyer talks new season and program future

Despite the coronavirus, the Northwest Women’s Basketball team has officially kicked off their 2020-21 season. The team and Bearcat fans are excited about the upcoming season, but perhaps none more than head coach, Austin Meyer. Entering his third year leading the program, Meyer has made significant strides in rebuilding the program. The bearcats haven’t landed in the winning column too often in recent years, but with ambitious goals and a new mentality, they just might be able to change the course of Northwest women’s basketball and reach new heights in the future.

Northwest women’s basketball confident in new season– Video by Micaela Dea, News-Press NOW

Ambitious goals

Goals are crucial to the advancement of any human effort. The Bearcats have one primary goal: improve every day. Meyer adds that there also five key objectives that drive the team towards constant improvement:

  1. Beat one of the top three teams in the MIAA conference
  2. Finish the season as one of the top five teams in the MIAA conference
  3. Achieve a winning season (+.500)
  4. Make a conference tournament championship game
  5. Improve winning percentage from the previous season
MIAA, Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association

With their ultimate goal being to secure a conference championship, the Bearcats have set their focus on developing strong habits. In order to get to the top and become a championship program, Meyer says it’ll take each player doing their part.

The players will need to continue to work hard each day, continue to build relationships with their teammates, focus on team rather than individual goals, and improve their mental toughness. Meyer encourages the team to focus on being present in the moment rather than looking back or ahead. It’s always about making each play, practice, or game the best that it can be.

New mentality

A strong mentality can make all the difference in the world of sports, especially basketball. It’s no secret that players have to be locked in on every shot, rebound, and possession. Meyer is a major proponent of best-selling author and leadership coach, Jon Gordon’s philosophies. “I love the ‘Rise and shine’ instead of ‘rise and whine’ approach to every day,” Meyer said. “Too many people complain and focus on the negative. I love the way Gordon focuses on a positive mindset and being appreciative of what we have.” Meyer coaches his players to focus on the opportunity, rather than the challenge. “Changing the way we think about things can change the way we preform,” he added.

While the Bearcats are competitive and driven by a desire to win on the court, Meyer says he hopes they also develop mindsets that will benefit them in life. He hopes they cultivate a hard work ethic and a character of serving-others. “I want my players to focus on engaging with people and respecting others—faculty, staff, janitors, etc. Just being a great person!” Meyer explained.

Austin Meyer

““If we focus on the process of getting better every day, the results will take care of themselves.”

— Austin Meyer

The future

The future of the Bearcats is bright. The program is moving in the right direction and has increased their wins in recent years. Meyer is optimistic about the future but is focused on the current season. He believes this year’s team is the best talentwise and culture-wise that the Northwest women’s basketball program has seen over the last ten years.

The upperclassmen provide a solid foundation, the incoming talent is promising, and together they have the opportunity to do something great this year. Meyer said, “If we focus on the process of getting better every day, the results will take care of themselves. I see this program consistently being one of the best in the MIAA for years to come. We bring in good people and our staff is committed to building a winning program.”

Basketball program rebuilding and statistics infographic.
Infographic depicting the Bearcats’ recent success in rebuilding the program- by Elizabeth Horn

Six basketball players posing with basketballs; On the Rise.

Follow Northwest Women’s Basketball on social media!

Northwest Missouri State

Maryville, Missouri- Blake Pinson

This post is dedicated to informing my fellow classmates about the recent events occurring in Maryville, Missouri, and naming a few stats and statistics about the town along the way. I think it is important for all of us as students at Northwest Missouri State University to become familiar with our college town. I hope that this webpage can maybe better inform a few of you about what has been happening in Maryville over the course of the semester. Maryville has a pretty diverse population thanks to the students that make up our great campus. I find the average age of the population interesting as it is mostly students that would just be getting out of college that are choosing to stay in Maryville. I also noticed that the average household size is two which stuck out oddly to me. All of these factors is what I think makes Maryville so interesting in its’ own ways. As I mentioned earlier, I think it is very important to learn about the demographics and the history of Maryville. While it may be a small town, it has a whole ton of history and good people that come along with it too. Let’s dive into a little bit of recent events, tidbits and facts about Maryville, Missouri!

Shown above is the demographics and some statistics about those who live in Maryville.

The spirit of Maryville and the university can always be felt during the homecoming parade. Shown above is a short video displaying some of the festivities that go on during the parade. Shown below, the 2020 homecoming king Kirayle Jones & queen Carmen Miller were celebrated during this year’s past homecoming.

Homecoming Showcase Oct. 9, 2020. (Photo by Todd Weddle | Northwest Missouri State University

With COVID-19 cases rising across the country, Maryville and Northwest Missouri State University found a way to overcome the growing concerns and maintained in-person classes throughout the semester. While this remains a positive, COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the city of Maryville. On Tuesday, November 24th, the Seventh Emergency Order was issued in reaction to state government protocols. COVID-19 protocols remain in place on campus and in the city of Maryville.

Maryville is home to some of the most diverse institutions and programs in the state of Missouri. It should be noted that Maryville is home to the university setting new enrollment records during this pandemic, while also maintaining its’ second highest retention rate.

Student organizational Fair at the Bell Tower Aug. 26, 2020. (Photo by Todd Weddle | Northwest Missouri State University)

Overall, Maryville, Missouri is the home to mass opportunities for anyone to jump on. It is a great college town with awesome educational benefits and wouldn’t be that bad of a place to start a family. As mentioned earlier in the post, Maryville’s demographics are rather interesting off first glimpse. It should be noted that almost a quarter of the population has a bachelors degree, so many have found success while staying in Maryville at a rather low rate. All in all, Maryville is a great place for anyone to start their careers and expand upon them into the future.

Thanks for reading!

Northwest Missouri State

Northwest in 2020

An inside look at campus life during this unprecedented year

2020 has been a year unlike any before. A year that just makes many of us want to scream. There were many times throughout the year that we were unsure if we were ever going to be able to be on campus. Now that we are there have been many things that are different from prior years and many changes made. Some of the biggest effects that 2020 has had on campus can be sorted into the topics below:

Social Distancing

COVID-19 effects on Campus

Northwest has implemented many new procedures to help keep students safe and on campus amidst the pandemic. These new procedures include:

  • enforcing the use of a face covering
  • disinfecting seats between classes
  • smaller class sizes to allow for social distancing
  • moving classes to online when needed
  • allowing students to zoom when in quarantine

On-Campus Quarantine

For the students on-campus who need to quarantine due to either testing positive or being a close contact, North Complex has become their home for two weeks. Here students have to stay in their rooms and are only allowed to leave to get food or use the restroom.

Election Effects

This year, the election was one of the most important and notable events. For many students at Northwest, this was their first opportunity to participate in a presidential election. Students all across the country participated in this election more than many previous elections.

mail in ballots placed in mailboxes

The Pandemic changed the way that students participated in the election.

Many Northwest instructors allowed students to miss class to be able to vote in their home towns. Many students also voted by mail-in ballots.

How students participated in the 2020 election amidst the pandemic

Both Parties on Campus

Students from all over the Midwest and the country come to Northwest for school and with this, they bring many different political views. On-Campus there are groups for both parties:  Northwest Missouri College Democrats and Northwest College Republicans.

To learn more about how the political organizations at Northwest reacted to the election follow the link:

Black Lives Matter

"color is not a crime" sign held at a protest in Maryville

With the Black Lives Matter Movement gaining popularity during summer 2020, the topic gained recognition it has needed for a long time on the Northwest Campus.

Many students of color have spoken out this year about what it is like being a person of color at Northwest Missouri State. The article “Being black in Maryville means never feeling safe” by Corbin Smith has been read by many students on campus and has led to faculty at Northwest posting signs that read “I believe Corbin”.


colden pond at Northwest campus

In 2020 there have been several events that have made people around the country realize there needs to be something done to combat climate change. These events include hurricanes, wildfires, flooding, and heat that without a change in how we treat the earth will only become worse.

Northwest is doing their part by recycling and offering recycling to students.

There are many ways college students can incorporate simple changes to become more sustainable and help the planet.

Follow the links below for some tips on becoming more sustainable:

Northwest Missouri State Sports

Northwest Bearcat Baseball 2021

The Northwest baseball teams looks to repeat its efforts from the 2018 where they finished atop of their conference.

-Tanner Smith

The Bearcats hope to have a season in 2021 despite being in a global pandemic where conferences around the country have already started to cancel their spring sports. The 2020 season was canceled for before it was even half way through for the Bearcats and they did not get to show how strong they were of a team in conference. The Bearcats look to repeat the efforts made by the team of 2018 where they were able to win conference for the first time in 35 years and bring a strong culture back to the program. The team has a few guys from that 2018 roster returning this season and a Graduate Assistant who was the top player on the 2018 team Hudson Bilodeau. Also returning as Head Skipper will be Darin Loe, with his Assistant Coach Mike Creason. The Bearcats feel this team can do bigger things than the 2018 team because of the team chemistry and family atmosphere they have on and off of the field. Also, they brought in a few transfers that will help this team to stand out around the country. As of now the Cats’ are scheduled to start their seas on in late February, but with a Global Pandemic still lingering, all will be known in due time if they play. This is important for the team to be able to play this year because this is what they came to college to do and it is being taken away from them. I think they will end up playing this upcoming season, but it will be different because of what is going on right now. Hopefully the Bearcats will be able to start this season.

Infographic about Bearcat Baseball in 2018

A bearcat tradition to listen to this song on the way to games.